Friday, January 20, 2006

feel compassion on all beings

would you rather have a pair of dirty of hand and dirty face with pure heart or clean hands and face with a greedy heart?

That what this movie is trying to say.

I watched this great movie today. It is about how a group of people protect wild life form in world highest land tibet. The furs of a animals were used on a highly desirable scarfs in developed countries.

This movie tlod me, not only animals die by luxury life style, sometime so many people die from it as well. Next time when you buy something real expensive, Think about it first, make sure nobody has died for it. If you are wearing something someone died of it, you are the killer.

same thing has happend in big brother, one guy was arrest by policeman in the show because he was wearing something look like a gorilla fur.

Look out!! guys.
let us feel compassion on all bings.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

extra art of "mighty" me

please appreciate, no spitting.

New job

Work for fine art as cleaner even could inpire my soul(weak up before 5.45 also good for my body), I suddenly reliaze that creating is so much fun and addctive, that is also one of the reason I am doing this blog thingy again, it is just good for my soul.

quite scary though

dirty hands after job, finally I am contribute some thing to our socitey.good for everybody.


I had a interview a few days ago,So I decided to dress up for it, it is funny to dress up so much for a cleaner position.

anyway. what do you think?