devil is the detail
Drink myself to conscienceless could alway give inspirations about things.I was around southern country for a couple days. I was durnk all the time and the places are new, life span so fast, I could not stop thinking about stuff.
I found out detail is so important about a person or things, I think if you lay a couple of chinese people and british born chinese, I could tell their differences without even to speak to them. I believe most of the time It is because British are more detail person, clean and walk so striaght.
Under the industry revolution,China become a world factory which produce a lot of undervalued product, People believe fast production and fast comsuption. Nobody care about anything in detail as long as it is accpetable.
Here people are detailed, Their accpectance is much higher than people form China, It is so difficult for me to clam down and to be a detailed person, I was taught to do everything fast,because it is important than quality, like you should finish all you home work instead of trying to do it right.
I look around me, the most undetailed countries are China and india and the most detailed people are german and japanese.They look always slow and in deep thought.
I decided from today, I will be really slow and thoughtful,do everthing right at first time,no matter what had happend , I will not lose my coolness.
stay cool.