Two pounds ride
Out of a dark ally,
Saw a new ride in the fun-fair.
Got on it with a butterfly in the stomach.
Spin,spin, spin.
Going up and down,
Got an 'french style romance' american movie flashing in my mind.
So crazy for 3 minutes,
Just as crazy life in U.K. in my life long journey.
Got home,smoke some weed.
clam down and go to sleep as usual.
As the insanity goes on in U.K. .
life objective,人生目标
my objective change to slove current problem to create new problem to reslove.
我的人生目标改定为,解决现有问题,再去解决在现有问题解决后由此产生的新的问题。 Why I said all state all these things people will never understand. I found a problem concern myself and most of the Chinese. Today I was in uni's library "intended" to study. But I did not study anything at all but just sitting there mess around on internet try to find the answer of a meaning life(which means nothing to me and most of Chinese at all the ) else is messing around on internet.NO White will mess around in uni!!!why !!!After I messed my brain for more than 5 hours, I looked around me, There were still that many Chinese students sit around(nobody left the library and a few more came) and everybody(chinesechinese and all the asias will do so???Are we supress in a way or what?? are we all weaker than white, we all have more to think about????I believe there will be a couple of reasons:1. Most of White people come to uni to study,If they want to spend their free time, they will go to pub.2.most of them choose what they really want to do in uni.Being chinese sometime sucks, most of us do not know what do we like. We were restricted by our culture prussure and we never done anything interesting in was disecourage in school,because it was not important for entering uni. for god sake, it is important for bonding relation and teamwork among human beings. Team work is more important than knowledge,everybody knows when they grow up.....sloution form today, hope everybody copy in uni.2.have fun with friend when free.3.go to gym when free.4.socialize after work or study.5. do some things useful.